Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum in the top tier of candidates. No surprises.
Entrance polls of those who arrived early: Paul and Romney lead with 24%, followed by Santorum at 18%, Gingrich at 13%, Perry at 11% and Bachmann at 7%.
One prediction I'll make: Entrance polls will seem way off from final results because caucus attendees can react to the data as it comes in on their phones.
Complete entrance polls -- early and late arrivals -- show Paul leading with 24%, Romney at 23%, Santorum at 23%, and Gingrich at 13%.
NBC News election models show first and second place within .3%. They also conclude entrance polls overestimated Paul's strength.
Santorum and Romney were separated by just dozens of votes as counting neared an end early today, with U.S. Representative Ron Paul of Texas finishing a close third.
Santorum claimed 24.6 percent of the vote, Romney 24.5 percent and Paul 21.1 percent, according to the Associated Press, with 99 percent of the precincts reporting.