Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jon Stewart Takes On 'Crazy' GOP Candidate Rhetoric

"Daily Show" segment last week on how divisive Republican rhetoric can be, but this week he's going after the straight-up crazy talk.

The latest GOP presidential candidates to hop on the gaffe express are Rick Perry and Herman Cain. Stewart had a laugh at Perry for doubting President Obama's birthplace and then saying he was just messing around ("It's fun to poke him a little bit"). But it was Herman Cain's electrified border fence retraction -- he said he was joking but then said one sentence later, "It might be electrified" -- that really got Stewart going.

Even though there is still a year until we find out who wins the 2012 election, Stewart was able to put together a pretty thorough supercut showing the pattern of "crazy" talk that has emerged among the candidates, including Mitt Romney's "Corporations are people" remark and Bachmann's HPV vaccine story.

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